Thursday 13 March 2014



Cable stitching is worked from left to right. Bring the thread through on the line of the design. Insert the needle a little- to the right on the- line and bring the needle out to the left midway between the length of the stitch, with the thread below the needle.

The next stitch is in the same way but with the thread above the needle. Continue in this way, alternating the position of the thread. This stitch may also be worked on even-weave fabrics.

Cable stitch



This stitch produces the appearance of a solid line on the surface of the fabric. Bring the needle through on the stitch line, take a small backward stitch through the fabric. Bring the needle again through a little fabric in front of the first stitch take another stitch, inserting the needle at the point where it first came through.

Back stitch


This stitching work as like back stitch in- usual way, then interlace with a thread to tone or thread of a different colour. The loops should be pulled slightly when working.

pekinese stitch

Sunday 9 March 2014



To sew Holbein stitch a row of evenly spaced running stitch is worked in one direction. The direction of the needle is then reversed and a second row of stitches is worked to fill the gaps in the first row. It is used for embroidery geometric patterns, often in combination with cross-stitch, and is the major stitch used in black-work an embroidery style employing black thread, on a white ground.



This stitching is to be worked in row of long with tiny spaces between and is often used as filler with subsequent rows worked in parallel staggered like brickwork.

darning stitch


This stitching can be laced with a contrasting colour to form a decorative border. Use a pointed needle for lacing and do not pick up any fabric.

laced running stitch



Pass the needle over and under the fabric making. Upper stitches should be equal distance with equal length. Even under stitch should be equal length, but under stitching is half the size or less of the upper stitches. To sew the running stitch, the most basic of all the stitches,  A threaded needle is quits simply passes in and out, through the ground fabric, giving the appearance of a broken line. It is a quick, easy stitch and in this form it is used to tack two pieces of cloth temporarily, to quilt layers of fabric together permanently, or to sew near patterns. Running stitch is used for the decorative element in the quilted kanthas of Bangladesh and eastern India, and the background is often quilted in while, in running stitch.

Running Stitch


Why we use embroidery because the dress should be attractive to a specific customer. People want to look different and beautiful from the other so embroidery play most important role in fashion designing. I am telling you important seams which is use for embroidery


Its work right, taking regular slightly slanting stitching the line of design. The thread ways emerges on the left previous stitch. This stitch is used for flower, stems and outlines etc. it can so be used a filling rows of stem stitch worked closely together within a shape until it is filled completely.

stem stitch


My friends I told you about different type of stitching there are important in own work. I give you little basic knowledge of stitching, before you telling about embroidery you should have knowledge of stitches. A fashion designer is not done easy work they have lots of knowledge in every work which is related of garment and fashion dress.

Fashion designer should learn about smaller thing. We can say smaller thing but truly speaking these are very important like:-

  1. Threads
  2. Needles
  3. Machines
  4. Scissors
  5. Inch tape/ measuring tape
  6. Thimle
  7. Pressing
  8. Scales
  9. Frames
  10. Buttons
  11. Lace
  12. Hook and eyelets
  13. Velcro
  14. Tracing paper
  15. Color combination
  16. Fabric knowledge
  17. Embroidery designs


Blind hemming: - This stitching use for give finishing in garment, these stitches is not visible this hemming and thread is always hiding. Mostly this stitches use for expensive garments.

Sarju stitching: - This stitch like an over lock. This is used to hold the strings of the edge.

Method:- This stitch use on ½  and  ¾ inch distance this is use in warm and woolen so-that the garment not spare easily . To use this stitch corner of garment is not fold.

sarju stitch

These are basic stitching but there are many kind of stitching e.g.- pippin, round hem or circular hem, quilting stitching, pinked edge.

There are some decorative stitches like: - blanket stitch, herring bone stitch, shivering stitches.


Fine stitch: - This is used for finishing fine garment. It is used for stitching falls on saries on flies f terry coat or woollen pants or for finishing mouth edge of a pocket.

Method: - this stitch is also same as back stitch. But here long stitch is taken in the back side while small stitch is taken on the right side. It is also used sometime to beautify a garment.

fine stitch

Simple hem stitches: - Such garment where stitching by machine does not beautiful on its edges, the hem stitch is used. Just as encircle of a frock, neck edge, arm edge etc. it is of many kinds.

Method: - Slip hems are used on ladies garments. Narrow hems i.e. dense hemming is used on gents garment. Blind hem is used on fine fancy and delicate garments. Hem stitches are taken on the garment from the right side so that they are not clearly visible. Such as button hole patti of a silk kurta. Before hemming by basting the edges the thread from the back side is taken over to the right side through needle. This is how stitches are continued. Hems of light narrow stitches are continued. Hem of light narrow stitch are found to be useful.
hem stitch


Permanent stitches: - This is stitch is help to swing a garment appropriately by hand needle. This stitch which are not opened easily after being made are permanent stitches e.g. - back stitch, fine stitch, over casting, hemming, blind hemming.

There Are 5 Kind Of Methods Used In Permanent stitches:- 

Back stitch:- Back stitch are of two type first handmade back stitch and second machine made back stitches in past time technology was not developed machines were not available here only handmade back stitch were done but today in the age of machine it is not so. On such places where machine cannot be used and where minor mending is required or even there where we are not willing to handle the machine at the moment. Only then back stitch is done by hand. It is strong and flexible work. Only bias place such as back of a pant or on legs of a churidar  pyjama it is useful.

back stitch

Method: - While making back stitch by hand are sewed from right along h left side. Only one stitch can be taken at a time in back stitching. Another stitch is taken on the last edge of the place where needle was taken away on the previous step. In this way back stitch is done.


i.                    Thread mark: - Thread mark stitch use in woollen and warn cloth on a garment where tracing wheel can`t be used there, this thread mark is used to join the mark of a layer to that of another. Marks of darts of a portion or that the seam etc. are joined with the another with the help of thread mark.

This stitching is made in the way of a back stitch. While making it one stitch is tightened while another is loosened. After this both the edge of the garment are ripped open and loosened threads left in between are cut so that a thread mark becomes visible on both portions.

thread mark stitch

ii.                  Diagonal: - This is made in a diagonal form. It is usually done on the mouth edge of a pocket, for pressing lining of a belt or on the front portion of a coat. Diagonal basting stitch remains on the garment till trail is done for its designing. Thereafter it is removed, where two basting are together required, there also diagonal is done. This stitch use on ½ or ¾ distance in cross form in single line to make stuff good this stitch use 5 or 6 times by needle. 
diagonal stitch


TEMPORARY STITCHES: - This type stitching can be opened; the stitch which are opened after being made and uses for a purpose are called temporary stitches. This stitch use for give finish to a garment afterword we can open to these stitches. E.g.:  Uneven, Even, Running, thread mark, Diagonal stitches.

There Are 5 Kind Of Methods Used In Temporary Stitches:-

i.                    Uneven stitches:- This stitch use for joint two pieces together for give finishing to garment. We should Take 25 or 30 cm long thread in needle and adjust both piece afterword take small seam over the pieces and take long seam in back continuously. 

ii.                  Even:- we have to finish our work very early so where use this stitch, this stitch take equal distance both side front and back side.

iii.                Running/ basting:- This stitching use to adjust and joint two piece of cloth to give finishing and beautify edge of a cloth. There are two type of running stitching - Big basting and small basting.

running/ basting stitch


Basic stitching

About stitching:-first of all before you should have basic knowledge about stitching how many type stitch can be used in fashion designing. If you have knowledge about stitching so you can learn embroidery easily. When we do any kind of work it has some purpose, stitching is an important and basic part of fashion designing or embroidery. While going to learn about the art of creativity of tailoring it is first of all necessary to have knowledge about basic stitches. Since unless you have initial knowledge about any art, we can`t learn the art accurately